Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Three Months

I can't believe T-Rex is three months old already. Is it possible?

Baby burrito at four days old.

At the same time, it seems like it's been much longer. It's been an action-packed three months: Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, Houston. Crazy.

Dressed for church at five days old.

I look back at the newborn pictures of him and it's amazing how much he's already changed. Where did my little newborn burrito go? Now he's this big old baby trying to sit up.

Baby hugs, almost two weeks old.
I drove him out to Norman yesterday to see my brother, who was auditioning at OU for their doctoral music program. Uncle Misha last saw T-Rex at his baptism in early January. He said, "He's starting to look like a little person now, and not just a baby."

With Kaylee, one month + two days.
And he is a little person, or starting to seem like one, with his own personalities and preferences.

Santa Baby.
 He's mellow and happy almost always but gets grumpy in the evenings--I guess he's a morning person.

He likes to talk to his parents and his toys but clams up around other people. Still, he has a smile for everyone.

In his christening gown for his baptism.
He always has to be able to see everything; he loves observing and watching the world go by.

Almost two months old.
He's so much happier now that he's big enough to be carried facing out in the Moby wrap.

Happy traveler on his way to Houston.
He loves to travel. Usually he falls asleep, but sometimes I'll look back in the mirror and he's sitting there with eyes wide open, quietly watching the world go by.

Dr. Pepper baby at Pops.
I'm excited to meet the little person he's becoming. I miss his little newborn self. Sometimes I want to stop time, to grab him and say, "Freeze! I need time to soak in who you are right now before you get to move on to being someone else!"

Little man.
But I can't. And he doesn't. He goes right on growing (he weighed in at fifteen pounds today!) and changing--changing himself, and changing me. Because I'm not the same person I was three months ago, either.

With Uncle Misha at OU.

 I think, on balance, that's a good thing.

A snow day for his birthday.

Linking up with the Tuesday Baby Link Up at Every Breath I Take.

Sorry this kind of turned into a photo dump. I figured out how to get photos into Blogger again. Apparently it just doesn't like the ones from my real camera.


  1. Oh my goodness, Katie! I want to smooch him! So adorable! I'm so glad you are soaking in all of these precious, precious moments.

  2. ACK! So cute!! My little girl was always happy except evenings, too. I think it's a common breastfed-baby issue.

    It IS fun getting to know them as they turn into people, eh?

    1. Glad we're not alone! Not that I'm complaining that he's happy more often than not. ;-)

      It really is the best.
