Monday, October 24, 2011

Ich bin Deutscherin!

Well, half German, anyway, and that's more than enough during Oktoberfest!

Tulsa has, perhaps surprisingly, a really good Oktoberfest each year. Usually the DDH and I go on Thursday night with a free admission coupon, but the dealership or whatever it was that handed those out before didn't do that this year. :-( So instead, we actually went during the day, and that turned out to be a lot of fun!

First, before it opened, we went to a worship service put on by the LCMS Lutheran churches in the area. Our DCE led the service, and we got to do the Apostles' Creed and the Lord's Prayer in German. Woot.

After an unexpected storm Saturday night and several days in the fifties last week, we thankfully had beautiful weather. The fog cleared for a sunny day in the seventies. Wunderbar! ;-)

A Weiner Dog Races Foto Montage:

Those are some fast little short-legged doglets.

A girl next to us in the crowd with
her dachshund, Fievel.

Some dogs were less into the "running" part of the race than others.

On your marks!


Run run dachshunds.

The one on the left was the eventual winner, Bolt Speedman.
The black-and-white dachshund in the middle is aptly named "Snoopy."
The Grand Champion, Bolt Speedman, and his human pack.

My early anniversary present: this beautiful market basket.
I've been admiring the baskets sold at this stand at Oktoberfest and the Fair
for several years; supposedly they're made by a group of women in Ghana.
I never know how much to believe those sorts of stories, but the baskets are
beautiful, reasonably priced, and I've seen people using them at the market, so
they seem sturdy and like they hold up well. The DDH kindly noticed my
drooling and told me to choose one for an early present.

Brats, Polish sausage, and kraut. Noms.

Oktoberfest is held at the Festival Grounds of RiverParks.
A view of the river and the syringe building.

Some German state flags. The black and yellow one with
the lions is for Baden-Wuerttemberg, the state where I lived.

And my favorite part--potato pancakes and applesauce!

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