Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wir machen jetzt eine kleine Pause.

I way overdid it this past week/weekend.

Work has been simply heinous. Seriously. I was fired last week, then unfired, but still subjected to a week of emotional torture. So here I am, patiently biding my time until T-Rex is born, and then we'll be evaluating our long-term options.

So between that and frantically turning the house from a construction zone into a habitable and hospitable abode for three guests, family and friends in town and baby showers and all of that, I am physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted.

A few pics from the baby shower to tide you over until I can summon the energy to write an actual post:

Pretend I'm not in this picture, because I look awful.
But look how happy the DDH is!

Card envelope and wrapping paper handmade by the
DDH's aunt, who is disgustingly crafty.

Me with the hostesses, my MIL and

The DDH and I with our haul.
So many little baby clothes. So many little baby clothes with DINOSAURS on them.

He'll be very well-dressed. But really, I still need a carseat....

(The title translates, "We're taking a small break now." One of the coordinators of my study abroad program, a charming older British woman, said this all the time: for rest stops on bus trips, during orientation classes, whatever. Just imagine a high-pitched older woman's voice saying it in impeccable yet distinctively British-accented German. You can't possibly imagine it correctly. It was awesome.)


  1. I love it, I can hear the British-accented German now! And great pics, it looks like you guys had a ton of fun!

    1. Oh man. It was SO GOOD. The British-German, I mean. But the shower was fun too, just exhausting! I am very much an introvert.

  2. Oh my goodness, Katie! The work situation sounds awful. I'm so sorry. Thank goodness you had such a beautiful shower during the same week to help lift your spirits. Thinking of you!

    1. Thank you, Jenn! It's rough, but oh well. Just a few more weeks. ^_^
